Pokemon Anime World

Pokemon Season 2 - Adventures On The Orange Islands

The division between series of Pokémon is based on the openings of each episode, and don't reflect the actual production season (it should be noted that in both the English and Japanese versions, the new opening began at the episode "The Lost Lapras"). The English episode numbers are based on their first airing in the United States either in syndication, on the WB Television Network, or on Cartoon Network. (Other English-speaking nations largely followed either this order or the Japanese order.) Subsequent airings of the English version follow the original Japanese order, except in the case of episodes which are no longer shown in English.

This series aired first-run episodes in Japan from February 4, 1999, to October 7, 1999. In the United States, it aired from in January 8, 2000, to October 14, 2000. It originally aired as part of the 2000 Kids' WB! weekday and Saturday morning line-ups. In 2007, starting from the episode The Pokémon Water War, Pokémon started airing on Toonami Jetstream (incorrectly counted as Pokémon The Johto Journeys episodes; however, they are technically part of season 3). In this season, Ash captures a Lapras and a Snorlax. The Lapras is then released.